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Friday, June 20, 2008

Hubby Tag

What is his name? Dave
How long have you been together? Almost 3 years.
How long did you date? A whopping 2 whole months
How old is he? 27 almost 28
Who eats more? Oh I do for sure.
Who said I love you first? I'm pretty sure that was Dave. It's sad I don't remember the exact moment. I wish I did. Maybe he remembers.
Who is taller? Dave but not by much.
Who can sing better? Definitely Dave.
Who is smarter? Technically Dave.
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who pays the bills? Dave
Who sleeps on the right side? It's funny. My sister and I must fell the same way about our husbands. So looking at the bed, I'm on the left and Dave's on the right cause it's the side the door is on in case someone breaks in.
Who mows the lawn? If the lawn were to be mowed probably Jimmy.
Who cooks dinner? If we aren't at his mom's or eating out I will resort to this thing called "cooking". If that's what you call opening a box of Homestyle Bakes, throwing the pre-mixed ingredients into a pan, putting the pan in the oven, and setting the timer.
Who drives? Before surgery, mostly him. Post surgery me.
Who is more stubborn? Oh goodness me.
Who kissed who first? I do believe I kissed Dave first. And it was on our first date. And I was rejected due to a stupid game he was playing with his friends at the time. I won't go into details. Needless to say we didn't really kiss for another week or two.
Who proposed? It was mostly a mutual decision but the morning we took off for Vegas he made it official.
Who has more friends? Don't really know. We don't really hang out with anyone but family.
Who is more sensitive? ME!
Who has more siblings? I do. By one.
Who wears the pants? That really is a tough one. Usually what I say goes because of the whole stubborn thing. But I don't do a whole lot without Dave or at least discussing it with him.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I did this survey already on March 9 if you want to read it. It is so fun catching up with you.