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Monday, March 3, 2008

9 months old



Gracie left
Sadie right
While probably the most tiring photo shoot, I do think we got some great shots of not only their good looks but their personalities as well.

6 months old

Sadie left
Gracie right
Trying to get Gracie to show any kind of emotion in these pictures was impossible! She gave the same expression in every shot.

3 months old

Sadie left
Gracie right
These pictures were probably the quickest and easiest ones to get. They just sat there and looked pretty almost as if they were born to be in front of the camera.

6 1/2 weeks old


Grace left
Sadie right

Gracie on top
Sadie on bottom
We had these pictures taken when we were in Dave's hometown Johnstown, Pa. We were so lucky the girls woke up from their nap happy babies right when we got there. They were so good for the camera. These are my favorite pictures so far.

July 19, 2006

Sadie Marie born at 7:52 am weighing 6 lbs 1 oz
Grace Ann born at 8:12 am weighing 5 lbs 15.9 oz

It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding.
~Erma Bombeck~

It's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married.~Robert Frost~

Dave and I met at Hollywood Video were I worked as assistant manager. It's hard to say exactly which day it was that we met but I can say exactly which day it was he asked me out on our first date. It's funny because he used to annoy me with coming in to rent a movie 5 minutes before it was time to close.

I used to play this Jewel DVD when it got late and we didn't get many customers. So one night Dave decided to use this as a way to talk to me. One night he simply asked if that was Jewel. Another night when I wasn't playing Jewel he asked, "No Jewel tonight?" For those who know me, Jewel is my FAVORITE!! So because of this he got inside my mind. I wasn't initially attracted to Dave because he seemed like a guy who was good looking and knew it. (Not my type). But there he was. In my mind. The next thing I knew, I was looking for him to come in and he was coming in at night looking for me. But during this time I wasn't working many closing shifts so we kept missing each other.

So, September 13, 2005 he comes in while I'm working. He brought up a movie and I checked it out to him. As he goes to leave he stops, looks at his feet, and nervously asked if I'd like to go out sometime. Because he was so nervous it told me there was something incredibly sweet about him. (Which there was/is)

Within one year we managed to get married and have two unbelievably gorgeous girls. And because they're so much cuter than us, this blog will be mosly about them.