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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Playing at MeeMa & PaPops!

Caleb and Grace playing ring around the rosie

Grace our future astrologer

Crazy Gracie

Caleb sliding down the slide. By the way, it took my dad a week to put this playground together. Thanks PaPop!!

Pretty Sadie

Cute little Emilee

Gracie has always been my climber

Sadie LOVES to swing!

Just so you know...

I do slide shows because it's quicker, easier, and uses less space to show all the pictures I want to share. Plus they're kinda cute and fun to mess around with.

Quote of the Day

The best we can expect of ourselves is to live THOUGHTFULLY. Cognative. As much as possible, to be awake in each moment and choose to wake ourselves up at each turn, instead of numb ourselves to avoid the confusion it brings. There is no avoiding the inevitable.